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Setting up a XPR 5550 or 4550 or 6350

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 7:24 am
by radioopperator
Dose anyone have a working code plug they are willing to share to the group or privately for any of these? XPR 5550 or 4550 or 6350
I'm new to setting this up and think I'm missing a bit of things in my 5550? Then I am not sure about setting up the network settings?
I'm use to doing the 192.168.1.XXX stuff but I believe the default Motorola settings may or may not be more correct for the project?


Re: Setting up a XPR 5550 or 4550 or 6350

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:04 pm
by Administrator
Hi radioopperator,

When testing & setting up...
May I suggest using the tools on the TransTRBO TrboTools Download page of the website

This will allow you access to most TransTRBO functionality but without using the GUI.
It's usually quicker & easier to do.
